

pramoniniai šildytuvai

Namų ir Pramoniniai šildytuvai

Šildytuvas – tai prietaisas, kuris viduje įmontuoto ventiliatoriaus pagalba nukreipia šiltą orą į išorę. Šis klimato kontrolės įrenginys su keramikiniu elementu tolygiai sušildys patalpą be jokios žalos sveikatai. Šildytuvai rudenio bei žiemos sezonų metu padės palaikyti normalią patalpos temperatūrą, nesukeldami jokio diskomforto.

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Laminarinės lubos

Laminar ceiling

The use of a laminar ceiling ensures that contaminated air does not come into contact with the wound or surgical instruments, thus minimizing the risk of the patient's condition deteriorating due to contaminated room air.

Laminarinės lubos sukuria „sterilų branduolį“, kuris nėra priklausomas nuo durų sandarumo, todėl apsauga vykdoma nepriklausomai nuo to ar durys varstomos ar ne.

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Dujiniai drėkintuvai

Gas humidifiers for efficient irrigation

GTS gas humidifiers are especially economical and environmentally friendly humidifiers. The GTS series LX gas humidifiers have won the 2019 product competition and contribute to the reduction of CO2 and NOx emissions from an environmental point of view. The wide range of steam production and the installation of the unit in indoor and outdoor conditions allow easy installation of the unit in office or industrial buildings. Suitable for any water!


Drėkintuvo galia garo paruošimui nuo 23 iki 4352 kg/h

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Difuzoriai pirtims

Diffusers for sauna

Our choices also include stylish diffusers for saunas, which combine exceptional technical features with an elegant Scandinavian design. The products withstand high temperatures and humidity well and remain dry after the sauna.

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Kilnojami difuzoriai

Portable diffusers

Portable diffusers combine large capacity, elegant design and flexibility when device location adjustments are required. Diffusers provide a quiet and unobtrusive distribution of air to rooms such as restaurants, schools, industrial premises and professional kitchens.

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UV-C lempos

UV-C lamp (ultraviolet) disinfection device

Ultraviolet lamps have been used for a long time and widely in HVAC systems. C-wavelength lamps are used for condensate, cooling, humidification, air disinfection when it is desired to eliminate the multiplication of viruses, fungi, palate or microorganisms. A properly designed lamp system can kill up to 99.99% of microorganisms. UVC lamps can operate from 8,000 hours. up to 18,000 hours optionally depending on the product type.

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Individual solutions.
20 years of work experience.
Reliable production
Wide profile projects.