Who needs a humidifier and how to choose it?


Who needs a humidifier and how to choose it?

There has been ample evidence in recent decades that the air in which we live and work has a significant impact on human health. Therefore, humidification should be one of the priorities and most important processes in regulating the indoor microclimate.

What harms the lack of moisture?

Dry air causes a lot of problems. Low humidity and low temperature have been found to alter the transmission of infectious disease particles such as influenza virus. Excessively dry weather increases the risk of colds, flu, etc., because it is in this medium that viruses multiply easily. Dry air can make asthma or allergy symptoms worse.

Dry air 10-15 percent. reduces the efficiency of our work, has consequences for the health of employees: causes fatigue and malaise, headaches and eye pain, general weakness, throat irritation, employees are more likely to get sick. Lack of indoor humidity is also associated with increased heart rhythm disorders, poor mood and dry skin.

Air dehydration is especially felt during the cold season, which is affected by space heating. The easiest way to improve the situation would be to fill the open containers with water and hang them on the radiators, as the evaporating water will moisten the air. However, today’s technologies and professionals have better ways to deal with all the problems that arise with a lack of humidity.

Of particular importance in industry and service

In different production processes, it is necessary to maintain a precise microclimate, where the accuracy of the humidity level can be from + -5% to + -1%, and the size of the steam droplets is 10 microns or less. The wrong microclimate becomes the cause of excess raw materials, so even the slightest error can mean losses.

The resulting electrostatic charge has a negative effect on rooms where many electrical devices (especially server ones) and electronic components are manufactured. Proper maintenance of humidity levels is also particularly important in medicine, for proper maintenance of the functioning of complex medical devices, such as operating rooms, gamma-ray machines, and so on. The humidity level must be precisely controlled, with a small deviation of up to + - 3%. Because hospitals are more likely to develop viral or bacterial diseases, humidification reduces the likelihood of both staff and visitors becoming infected with these diseases.

It is necessary to mention that irrigation can be used as cooling, depending on the production technology.

Tip - Put the solution in the hands of professionals

Why? Because the right choice requires qualifications. The capacity of humidifiers installed in air handling units can vary, so the wrong choice (too much or too little power equipment) will lead to large investments. For example, if the humidifiers are too small, the system will not work. Water quality must also be assessed. Poor quality water can clog the humidifier system and irrigation will not occur. Improper operation or a non-functioning irrigation system at all can be caused by even a few degrees of pipe installation deviation.

“Unfortunately, there are examples from which others can learn. While working on one project, the equipment installer did not comply with our specified installation requirements and thus the huge office building was left without an irrigation system. In order to correct this error, the system had to be partially dismantled. Naturally, this resulted in additional time costs and unplanned investments. Let's agree, the devil is really hiding in the details, ”says Daiva Zubkevičienė, a representative of Kondena.

The choice of irrigation technologies is very large, so in each case it is necessary to evaluate and which energy sources can be used for moisture production, what will be the operation of the system and the accuracy of the desired parameters. In order to select an efficient irrigation system, it is necessary to evaluate many aspects at the design stage. It is important to consider whether the irrigation system will be integrated into a closed ventilation system or whether there must be local irrigation in industrial facilities. The wrong choice of equipment may not live up to the expectations of either the designer or the customer.

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